Coronavirus lockdown life: reframing the now, finding meaning in today

Maybe there is meaning to be found in our daily actions. Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Here we are, almost two months into lockdown. The shock of the new has worn off, and instead we are left dealing with the day-in-day-out reality of being at home. I thought I would share three ideas that might help in finding some meaning, acceptance, or even gratitude in the ‘new normal’.

A note: obviously for some this is a time of terrible loss and uncertainty, not of meaning or gratitude; the ideas below are in no way meant to diminish the difficulties people are facing. Whether things are OK or not, it is likely that each day is a series of repetitions and limits. You may find one of the ideas below helpful.

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Coronavirus: dealing with change

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash and

When I look at this outbreak – including my own responses to it – I see huge changes, and the struggle to accept those changes. So much reminds me of the work I have done in the past with grief. The enormity of what we face seems incomprehensible; I wake each morning hoping it has all been some terrible dream, and life will return to normal.

One of the challenges in dealing with this all is how quickly everything has changed. How is it possible to accept what was unimaginable a few months ago?

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