Coronavirus update

Photo by Fusion Medical Animation on Unsplash

Due to the global pandemic and resulting lockdown I am not able to take on new clients at present.


As an extra source of support I will be writing blog posts with ideas of how to cope with the anxiety, change, and uncertainty caused by the outbreak, and other resources that may be helpful.

Other support resources

These are links to external websites with additional resources that you may find helpful. Although I have made every effort to ensure that these links are relevant and up-to-date, I cannot be responsible for their content.

Mental wellbeing during coronavirus

If you need to speak to someone

  • Anxiety UK helpline, evenings until 10pm (weekdays), 10am-8pm (weekends): 03444 775774
  • The Samaritans: 116 123
  • And don’t forget friends and family! It is good to connect, and being open about how you are feeling may make things easier for you.

Online sessions

Existing clients are offered online sessions. This will continue until at least September 2020, and most likely through to 2021. If at any point during this time I begin to take on new clients, the assessment session and all counselling sessions will be held online, too. Once face-to-face sessions can be restarted, the counselling practice will return to being in-person only.

I use Zoom as it is end-to-end encrypted. The Zoom privacy policy is available at

Before we begin online work we will discuss what this will entail. For example, I ask that clients find a space that is quiet, where they will not be overheard or interrupted. Contact outside of sessions times is limited to text and email, to arrange appointment times, or notify of lateness or cancellations.

Sessions will not be recorded by the counsellor, and are not to be recorded or in any way shared with or to others by the client. No means of electronic communication can be totally guaranteed, clients are reminded of these limits, and must agree to this form of communication with awareness of these limits in order to continue.